Pre-Power Wiring Recommendations
Unlike your vehicle's ECU the MAFT Pro and (if you have one) your wideband oxygen sensor require a few seconds to boot and begine outputting data. The ECU in most vehicles boots more quickly and expects the signals now provided by these add-ons immediately. The brief delay most often results in the vehicle's ECU storing diagnostic error codes. In many cases these do not cause the ECU to modify the operation of the vehicle once the signals have proven reliable, but preventing these codes is always the surest bet to avoiding undesirable or unforseen effects.
Method One Dual circuit power
If you're powering your MAFT Pro and wideband via their own circuit through a relay (strongly recommended) this is possibly the simplest method to ensure the MAFT Pro has time to boot is to power it up prior to the ECU powering up. This is accomplished through the use of a relay and a couple diodes to provide power to the MAFT Pro once the key is turned to the accessory position and thereafter.
You may be wondering why you don't just run the MAFT Pro off of the accessory circuit. The answer is that when the engine is cranked most vehicle power systems remove power from all circuits not essential to the running of the engine and the starter. So, we need to power the MAFT Pro from a circuit which remains active at that time as well... So, we'll use the ECU's switched power line.
In order to prevent the ECU from powering up before it should and to prevent everything on the accessory circuit from drawing power when the engine is cranked we need to isolate the two signals from eachother. Hence the diodes. I won't go into the specifics, what you need to do is shown below... just know that the diodes are ESSENTIAL.
Once you've wired everything up as specified you'll need to make sure that you follow the notes in the diagram below when you start the car. Failure to pause at the "ACC" position when starting the car will result in diagnostic error codes being stored. These will need to be cleared.
